SC Student Wins WY Business Alliance award

Sheridan College’s Tayler Coleman receives statewide recognition

Coleman is from Parker, South Dakota and is studying elementary education at Sheridan College. In addition to staying diligent in her studies, Coleman is active in the college community and is the 2024-25 Sheridan College Student Government Association President.  Coleman is also a resident assistant, plays intramural basketball and is part of the college’s student leadership program. After graduation from Sheridan College, she plans to pursue her bachelor’s degree from University of Wyoming and hopes to teach at an elementary school in Wyoming.

Coleman appreciates the tight-knit community at Sheridan, where professors have provided support in helping her prepare for a future in teaching. She noted smaller class sizes allow her to form meaningful connections with her instructors, making her feel like an individual student rather than just a number.  Coleman enjoys the friendly and helpful atmosphere at Sheridan, where she said everyone is committed to student success. With affordable tuition and a supportive campus environment, Coleman believes Sheridan College was a great place to pursue her degree. The friendships she has formed — combined with the guidance and encouragement from faculty and staff — have made her time at Sheridan both rewarding and enjoyable.

One student was selected from each of Wyoming’s eight community colleges to receive the award based on their personal story of determination and success while at their respective college. The Wyoming Business Alliance is recognizing these students for the ways they have each transformed their lives through their experiences in the Wyoming community colleges system, and how their efforts while attending college and participating in their communities in a variety of ways are shaping the future of Wyoming.

Alongside Coleman, Katie Baumstarck of casper College, Thea Farrington of Northwest College, Tyler McMillain of Western Wyoming Community College; Cooper Phillipps of Eastern Wyoming College; Lindsey Stewart of Central Wyoming College; Mirana Unwin of Laramie County Community College; and Makayla Yelenich of Gillette College.  The students will be recognized during a breakfast event for legislators on Feb. 7, 2025. Each student will receive a monetary award of $500, provided jointly by the Wyoming Business Alliance and Wyoming Association of Community College Trustees.